Just read Joash's blog and his views on "what's our purpose for studying."
I agree with his post. Interestingly, the exchange of opinions on his tagboard has prompted me to write this entry.
First of all, let me credit the contributor. Thank you Ken for your views as shown below:
k ?: i don't agree with studying for the sole purpose of glorifying God. i study for myself and my future also. and i think that's kinda important? glorifying God can come when we get results and jobs
k ?: religion/God just creates a better purpose of studying, that's all
k ?: well, is it virtually possible? we can all say it's act of worship and all but the sole and real purpose is really, for selfish reasons. that's a downright fact, surely.
k ?: exactly, thanks for the reinforcement, Jeremy. which will still bring me back to the point that religion is just a reason to make studying have a better purpose.
And also Jeremy's (I don't know if it's Jeremy Lim becasue there are 342187283750 Jems out there) views:
jeremy: I don't think its a matter of worship or self-advancement, or at least I don't think in starts out that way
jeremy: I think we study because society and out parents in particular expect us to. Can any of us truly say that we wanted to do homework or studying in primary school?
My take is this. There is one clean simple answer which everyone knows: We are here on this earth because God put us here. Life on earth is a preparation course and also partly a dress rehearsal for heaven.
Eph 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Psalm 39:4 Show me, O LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life.
Psalm 39:5 You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath. Selah
We all know that God has a plan for us. But because I am not a Kelvinist (someone who believes in John Kelvin's theologies of pre-destination, among a host of other things), I believe we have the freedom of choice to accept or reject God's plan. Therefore if we go along that logic and apply it to our studies, we have a choice to accept of reject the need to study hard or even study for that matter.
Sometimes, like what Jeremy says, it's out of our own hands. Our parents make us study, even the law makes us study. But the concept remains the same, and that is accepting or rejecting God's will, even if it is someone doing it on your behalf.
The question is then "What is God's will?"
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, [ Or his only begotten Son] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:17
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
or more specifically "what is God's will for us?"
Mark 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
God's will is to reconcile everyone. Whether we want is is our business. God's will for us ie. the saved, is to be His tools to perform His will.
Paul says in Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Meaning we are better of dead on earth and alive in heaven. But we are still here on earth to minister and try to get as many people into heaven with us as possible. In all of our reponsibilities on earth, we are to show people Christ in us. Therefore it is STILL about dying on earth and living in heaven, only this time it's dying in the flesh and living in spirit and in truth.
The word "reponsibility" is a powerful word. Now let's examine this case study of Judas.
Matt 27:3 When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders. 4"I have sinned," he said, "for I have betrayed innocent blood."
"What is that to us?" they replied. "That's your responsibility."
5So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.
Judas being a disciple of Christ gave in to greed and betrayed our Lord. When things turned out much worse than he had ever expected, he tried to make things right by returning the money. But look at what the elders said! The poor dude hung himself in the end.
Now let's parallel it to examples we often see and hear.
"We study because of social forces. In fact everything we do on earth cannot totally be for God. It's just not practical! How can we say we don't look out for our own future? Maybe now I study hard and work hard. When I've made it on this earth then I can use my success to glorify God. That's what God wants anyway right? That's kinda like..hmm...God's will for me?"
God's will is often summarised to "all the chrisitans are blessed materially, then they use their riches and success to spread gospel"
If it were really true then I think Paul can balek kampung already. James also should go home and sleep.
When we are SUPPOSED to be fulfilling out reponsibilites in studying, it's not about the grades. It's about trying hard and doing your best. However we must also concede, when we study hard, we tend to do well in our exams! It's almost shocking to see how some people can justify not doing well as God having a plan for them. If God is not telling you specifically what He wants you to do at a certain point of time in your life, then simply do your best at what you do! To justify otherwise will be like Judas. And we will be responsible for what we say and do. God doesn't create a better reason. God creates the ONLY reason for us to study because "to live is Christ, but to die is gain" God gives us the only reason for EVERYTHING we do here on earth. And let me say again, that includes our reasons in fulfilling all our responsibilites.
So let me put it this way. If we believe that our purpose of studying is to satisfy everything else, with God being a bonus; we are very wrong. That is a belief that has been put into our heads by this world that we are living in. I have said this before many many times: You will die for your beliefs. It could be more twisted than it seems this way no? We all die eventually. How we die is an entirely different matter. When the time comes, we will know if we have simply been another Judas: Betraying our faith for convenience.
The crux of the issue is not to debate what is the true purpose of studying, or anything else for that matter. The real case is to address the fact that we, as Christians live in this world and have been LIED TO continually about what we should chase after and why we should compromise on our Chrisitan values given by our Lord. Here are but a few verses I can quote from the Word on this:
1 Peter 2:11
Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.
1 John 2:15
[ Do Not Love the World ] Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1 John 2:16
For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world
1 John 4:3
but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.
Please, please do not believe the world. In our studies, it should never be about the grades. It's about how hard we study and try so God is glorified. In every situation, even when our results are bad after we tried hard, God can still be glorified. See below:
2 Corinthians 1:12
Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, in the holiness and sincerity that are from God. We have done so not according to worldly wisdom but according to God's grace.
1 Thessalonians 2:8
We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.
If we want to glorify God, it goes beyond an action; it becomes a sharing of our lifes and more importantly, our beliefs! That is how we encourage and correct each other to edify the Lord.
If we are resigned to what the world feeds us with, we have already lost a big part of the battle. We have already lacked behind in the race towards the ultimate prize.
"that's a downright fact, surely." Ken my bro, I'm sorry you can't say that. Saying it is as good as proclaiming your beliefs.
"jeremy: I don't think its a matter of worship or self-advancement, or at least I don't think in starts out that way
jeremy: I think we study because society and out parents in particular expect us to. Can any of us truly say that we wanted to do homework or studying in primary school?
Yes, Jem, we all start of as spiritual infants, but please remember:
Heb 4:11We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. 12In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 13Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.
Looks like today we are still like poeple from those days eh. We OUGHT to be mature and on solid fod, yet most of us aren't. We ought to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. But by the things we say and the way we live our lives....are we really?
I would urge anyone reading this to take it as a serious refliection, on how a seemingly small and insignificant issue can affect your relationship with God and your outlook on your life as a Christian. And when we come together, with the same beliefs and the same goals, we are strong. A strand of hair is easiy broken but if you put three togehter it is not as easy.
Finally I would like to encourage everyone with these two verses. As long as we find our security and identity in God, nothing can shake us. We will not be moved.
Phi 1:27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel
1 John 4:4 NIV
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
Now all we have to do is to claim the promise. Don't just know it.
I agree with his post. Interestingly, the exchange of opinions on his tagboard has prompted me to write this entry.
First of all, let me credit the contributor. Thank you Ken for your views as shown below:
k ?: i don't agree with studying for the sole purpose of glorifying God. i study for myself and my future also. and i think that's kinda important? glorifying God can come when we get results and jobs
k ?: religion/God just creates a better purpose of studying, that's all
k ?: well, is it virtually possible? we can all say it's act of worship and all but the sole and real purpose is really, for selfish reasons. that's a downright fact, surely.
k ?: exactly, thanks for the reinforcement, Jeremy. which will still bring me back to the point that religion is just a reason to make studying have a better purpose.
And also Jeremy's (I don't know if it's Jeremy Lim becasue there are 342187283750 Jems out there) views:
jeremy: I don't think its a matter of worship or self-advancement, or at least I don't think in starts out that way
jeremy: I think we study because society and out parents in particular expect us to. Can any of us truly say that we wanted to do homework or studying in primary school?
My take is this. There is one clean simple answer which everyone knows: We are here on this earth because God put us here. Life on earth is a preparation course and also partly a dress rehearsal for heaven.
Eph 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Psalm 39:4 Show me, O LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life.
Psalm 39:5 You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath. Selah
We all know that God has a plan for us. But because I am not a Kelvinist (someone who believes in John Kelvin's theologies of pre-destination, among a host of other things), I believe we have the freedom of choice to accept or reject God's plan. Therefore if we go along that logic and apply it to our studies, we have a choice to accept of reject the need to study hard or even study for that matter.
Sometimes, like what Jeremy says, it's out of our own hands. Our parents make us study, even the law makes us study. But the concept remains the same, and that is accepting or rejecting God's will, even if it is someone doing it on your behalf.
The question is then "What is God's will?"
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, [ Or his only begotten Son] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:17
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
or more specifically "what is God's will for us?"
Mark 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
God's will is to reconcile everyone. Whether we want is is our business. God's will for us ie. the saved, is to be His tools to perform His will.
Paul says in Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Meaning we are better of dead on earth and alive in heaven. But we are still here on earth to minister and try to get as many people into heaven with us as possible. In all of our reponsibilities on earth, we are to show people Christ in us. Therefore it is STILL about dying on earth and living in heaven, only this time it's dying in the flesh and living in spirit and in truth.
The word "reponsibility" is a powerful word. Now let's examine this case study of Judas.
Matt 27:3 When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders. 4"I have sinned," he said, "for I have betrayed innocent blood."
"What is that to us?" they replied. "That's your responsibility."
5So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.
Judas being a disciple of Christ gave in to greed and betrayed our Lord. When things turned out much worse than he had ever expected, he tried to make things right by returning the money. But look at what the elders said! The poor dude hung himself in the end.
Now let's parallel it to examples we often see and hear.
"We study because of social forces. In fact everything we do on earth cannot totally be for God. It's just not practical! How can we say we don't look out for our own future? Maybe now I study hard and work hard. When I've made it on this earth then I can use my success to glorify God. That's what God wants anyway right? That's kinda like..hmm...God's will for me?"
God's will is often summarised to "all the chrisitans are blessed materially, then they use their riches and success to spread gospel"
If it were really true then I think Paul can balek kampung already. James also should go home and sleep.
When we are SUPPOSED to be fulfilling out reponsibilites in studying, it's not about the grades. It's about trying hard and doing your best. However we must also concede, when we study hard, we tend to do well in our exams! It's almost shocking to see how some people can justify not doing well as God having a plan for them. If God is not telling you specifically what He wants you to do at a certain point of time in your life, then simply do your best at what you do! To justify otherwise will be like Judas. And we will be responsible for what we say and do. God doesn't create a better reason. God creates the ONLY reason for us to study because "to live is Christ, but to die is gain" God gives us the only reason for EVERYTHING we do here on earth. And let me say again, that includes our reasons in fulfilling all our responsibilites.
So let me put it this way. If we believe that our purpose of studying is to satisfy everything else, with God being a bonus; we are very wrong. That is a belief that has been put into our heads by this world that we are living in. I have said this before many many times: You will die for your beliefs. It could be more twisted than it seems this way no? We all die eventually. How we die is an entirely different matter. When the time comes, we will know if we have simply been another Judas: Betraying our faith for convenience.
The crux of the issue is not to debate what is the true purpose of studying, or anything else for that matter. The real case is to address the fact that we, as Christians live in this world and have been LIED TO continually about what we should chase after and why we should compromise on our Chrisitan values given by our Lord. Here are but a few verses I can quote from the Word on this:
1 Peter 2:11
Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.
1 John 2:15
[ Do Not Love the World ] Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1 John 2:16
For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world
1 John 4:3
but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.
Please, please do not believe the world. In our studies, it should never be about the grades. It's about how hard we study and try so God is glorified. In every situation, even when our results are bad after we tried hard, God can still be glorified. See below:
2 Corinthians 1:12
Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, in the holiness and sincerity that are from God. We have done so not according to worldly wisdom but according to God's grace.
1 Thessalonians 2:8
We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.
If we want to glorify God, it goes beyond an action; it becomes a sharing of our lifes and more importantly, our beliefs! That is how we encourage and correct each other to edify the Lord.
If we are resigned to what the world feeds us with, we have already lost a big part of the battle. We have already lacked behind in the race towards the ultimate prize.
"that's a downright fact, surely." Ken my bro, I'm sorry you can't say that. Saying it is as good as proclaiming your beliefs.
"jeremy: I don't think its a matter of worship or self-advancement, or at least I don't think in starts out that way
jeremy: I think we study because society and out parents in particular expect us to. Can any of us truly say that we wanted to do homework or studying in primary school?
Yes, Jem, we all start of as spiritual infants, but please remember:
Heb 4:11We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. 12In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 13Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.
Looks like today we are still like poeple from those days eh. We OUGHT to be mature and on solid fod, yet most of us aren't. We ought to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. But by the things we say and the way we live our lives....are we really?
I would urge anyone reading this to take it as a serious refliection, on how a seemingly small and insignificant issue can affect your relationship with God and your outlook on your life as a Christian. And when we come together, with the same beliefs and the same goals, we are strong. A strand of hair is easiy broken but if you put three togehter it is not as easy.
Finally I would like to encourage everyone with these two verses. As long as we find our security and identity in God, nothing can shake us. We will not be moved.
Phi 1:27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel
1 John 4:4 NIV
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
Now all we have to do is to claim the promise. Don't just know it.
Here's my take on studying:
I agree with you, YZ, that we have to give it our best, simply because whatever we have here is a gift from God. We are to be good stewards of what He has given us, and so we study hard not for the results but because it's a gift we treaure. It's like taking good care of things that people place in our care.
We do have our selfish reasons, that's without a doubt, but we can overcome it. We can study for God's glory simply by putting studying into perspective. We are not here to be caught up in the rat race and if we do well, we can attribute our results to God's grace. If we don't do well, I do however think that it CAN be God's plan. He does let things like this happen, and He allows us to draw lessons from it.
The question is- what is doing well? If we find delight in Him, our grades are not going to mean that much. Anyone can ask me and I'd testify to that, after what God has brought me through.
Ultimately, this is what we need to remember: We are Christians who happen to be students, not students who happen to be Christians.
What then is our true duty here on earth? Let's search ourselves for the answer and let God do the convicting.
Heyy thanks for tagging and commenting.
I've addressed the stuff here in my blog itself, please do read it.
BTW Winnie, you confirm from VCF. That Christians who are blabla and not blabla who are Chrisitans is so so Tertiary CF pattern haha.
Me was in NTUCF so sama sama lah =)
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